

Visual online Bookmarking Services

Every person who actively uses the Internet in his life keeps a large number of different visual bookmarks in his working browser on his computer. This allows you to easily navigate to the pages and sites of interest. It often happens that due to a malfunction of the browser or computer settings, such bookmarks are permanently destroyed. In order to avoid such cases, you can use special online services. Nowadays there are quite a lot of them, one of the most popular is .

The advantage of such services is that they can be used on different working devices, the main condition is the availability of a network connection. They are a convenient and irreplaceable place for the location of various visual bookmarks, links to which are stored regardless of the conditions of serviceability of the working device. Such services can successfully replace the start page of a web browser.

Common visual bookmarking services:

— Top-Page

— webstartpage

— qmos

— onlinezakladki, etc.

The Top-Page service has very useful functions, which consist in synchronization with bookmarks from another device, as well as unlimited extensions of different types of bookmarks. There is a search bar and a variety of background images offered for selection.

The webstartpage service also provides basic features such as creating a large number of bookmarks and syncing with them from another device. The advantage of the program is the presence of various tooltips that help when working on the site. There is a function of authorization with other services. There is a search bar with ten different search engines. The functional range of the service is complemented by a special weather informer.

What about the online service Diigo.

In there is a personal space (My Library) where a variety of user information is stored, and it's not just bookmarks! These are still such opportunities:

Notes — you can write text notes and store them online. It is very comfortable.

Highlight important places on the page. For example, you need to highlight a key idea on the page, important points, so that later it would be easy for you to remember the essence of the article.

Images — you can save individual images

My Lists — the ability to sort your data into specific folders.

The ability to access from Android, iPad, iPhone.

Compatible with both PC and Mac.

The ability to display the necessary information on your blog with one click. To do this, you need to register your blogs in the system and then just by clicking "Send to Blog" you can easily share the link. Supported platforms: WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Typepad, Movable Type, Windows Live Spaces, Drupal.

The ability to configure automatic updates.

Easy integration with Twitter. Just by clicking "Save Favorite Tweets" you update your Twitter feed.

Fast and correct import/export of your bookmarks.

Create your own circle of friends (My Network) and access their public bookmarks, records, photos.

Diigo API support.

And finally — the ability to automatically save a bookmark in delicious.

Thanks to such a wide range of possibilities in this online bookmark service, I found it the best and most convenient for myself.
