Google App is a set of interactive services designed for information exchange and collaboration, which are supported by Google and developed for business users.

Google Drive Service

The application in the educational process is very

multifaceted. Using Google Drive gives many advantages. Now you don't need to use a flash drive all the time. The created document on Google Drive at work or school, you can continue to edit at home, provide access to colleagues and students, embed it in a blog and continue to change it.

This service allows you to upload and create documents, store, view, edit together from any computer remotely.

Google Tables Service

This is an online application with which you can create and format tables, as well as work on them together with other users.

Google Forms Service

This form is perfect for pedagogical and educational activities: when organizing teamwork in a group, self-assessment, reflection, training and control tests, in the form of homework on the subject. Collection of statistical data: surveys, questionnaires.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is the perfect way to organize your time. Use Google Calendar to plan your daily routine, set reminders, make a to-do list, and collaborate with others.

Google Hangouts for Video Communication

Hangouts is a free service for instant messaging and video communication. Google Hangouts, with the exception of ZOOM, can be called one of the most convenient and widespread services for conferences, seminars and video lectures.

Google Slides

Google Presentations is an online application where you can create and edit presentations, as well as work simultaneously with other users. This service allows you to visualize information, save time in lessons when studying some topics, allow you to learn something new on the subject, work in a group.

Interactive sheets in Google Drawings

Interactive worksheet is an electronic worksheet created by the teacher for the student's independent work.

The purpose of working with the sheet is not to memorize or repeat a specific educational material, but to master a new way of acting.

Google Translation

Google Translate today is the main Internet resource for obtaining short and fast translations from foreign languages.

Google services are focused on the networking of people and opportunities for communication and cooperation are important for education in this environment.

The constant practice of using new tools teaches a new style of behavior, suggests pedagogical and organizational solutions to educational situations. Such collaboration makes the learning process open to students, teachers and parents.
